All content (c) Copyright Arif Majothi, 2007,2012. All Rights Reserved. Please note: My original intention was to animate these teasers as separate movies and put them online but I never got time. So I'm releasing the screenplay for you all to read instead. The purpose of these teasers was to bridge the short gap between 'A New Threat' and 'Dark Angel'. Enjoy. :) - Arif Majothi TEASER 1 - A SHADOW IN THE DARK FADE IN: BLACK A Zippo lighter sparks up and lights a cigarette. JACK (V.O.) What kind of demon mutilates a man in the name of justice? PHOTO - A male hand holds a security camera photo of the side of a torso. The left deltoid has a tribal Virgo tattoo on it. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Then like a ghost, vanishes without a trace. INT. JACK'S OFFICE - NIGHT JACK GOLDWYN (43) a smartly dressed private investigator with a red tie stands by the window, clutching a photo. JACK (V.O.) They say its just one man and his rifle. FLASH CUT - VICTIMS -- Corpse with gaping bullet wound in head -- A human head with the jaw blown off -- Teeth scattered around a pavement BACK TO SCENE NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Ever since this vigilante showed up, every crook, thug and rapist's been too scared to leave the house. The Virgo Killer. Now officially a household name idolized by millions. Some call him the Angel of Mercy. BACK TO SCENE JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) I've spent six months hunting a shadow in the dark. Yet every step I take leads down another blind alley. Jack glares at the photo. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Even his gender's a mystery. Police say male, but some disagree. Noone knows what we're up against. Jack's expression becomes intense. His eyes focus. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) So what?! His victims were scum! Drug dealers, rapists, pedophiles; They all deserved it! Jack's eyes glaze over as he stares at a portrait on the wall. The man in the picture is GEORGE GOLDWYN (64) a friendly-faced, older police officer. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) But the portrait on the wall reminds me why this maniac must be stopped. My Father. FLASHBACK -- EXT. TENEMENT - Police car parked outside alley JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) An innocent cop responding to a 911 call. Doing his job. -- EXT. ALLEY - Sergeant George Goldwyn shot between the eyes. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Shot in the face. Killed in the line of duty for serving his community. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS - Media hail Virgo's killing spree on corrupt cops BACK TO SCENE JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) I don't care what they say. My Father wasn't corrupt. There's no proof. Yet the media glamorized the whole thing. When you glamorize a killer, you only feed their disease. Jack takes one last look at the photo. JACK (V.O.) (CONT'D) People can love you all they want. You're nothing but a sugar-coated murderer; a rotten sore on this city. I'll find which ever sewer you're hiding in and smoke you out. Mark my words you son of a bitch! FADE TO BLACK. Title appears. TEASER 2 - I USED TO BELIEVE FADE IN: A depressed, worn-down WOMAN (48) sits quietly by herself reading a newspaper. Her puffy eyes can barely focus and her hair's a mess. NEWSPAPER A map of the city indicates the exact location where missing teenager Ivonne Mozeika was last seen. WOMAN (V.O.) I used to believe in God; Just like I used to believe in angels. This city was safe. Now it's all gone to hell. Soon there'll be nothing but ashes. She looks at an article about the new Pixie Dust craze. WOMAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) It's funny. Whenever you hear about some crazy scare on the news you always panic. But that little voice deep down tells you to relax. Santa Lina's a big city. There's safety in numbers. It won't happen to me. INT. HOSPITAL WARD - NIGHT A young boy lies in his hospital bed hooked up to various life support equipment. The woman holds his hand. WOMAN (V.O.) Zack is 13 years old. He goes to Beaumont high school and has a 3.5 GPA. Doctors say his chances are fifty-fifty. He'll either die or live the rest of his life in a persistent vegetative state. She breaks down. WOMAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) Guess that's a polite way of saying retarded; the ultimate price for a drug overdose. Death or vegetable. Fifty-fifty chance. She gently squeezes his hand. WOMAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) My son. I love you with all my heart; with every fibre of my soul. I can't watch you grind through life; needing help for those mundane things we all take for granted. Eating, dressing, playing video games, flirting with girls. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a syringe. WOMAN (V.O.) (CONT'D) It'll be OK. Morphine. 150 milligrams. I'll hold his hand, kiss his forehead and tell him I love him. He'll be at peace. I'll be labelled a killer and sent to prison. I will be punished while some dealer out there enjoys life. I love you Zack. I won't let you suffer. She struggles to decide Zack's fate. She finally gives in. She drops the syringe, crushes it under her heel and breaks down crying. WOMAN (CONT'D) No! I can't do it. I can't do it. I used to believe in God. Just like I used to believe in angels. But this is Santa Lina. There is no God. There are no angels. Title appears. FADE TO BLACK. TEASER 3 - THE ANGEL PROPHECY "From the ashes I saw rise a pure and virtuous angel, wearing a crown of fire upon her head and carrying a bright white star in her right hand" - Unknown Indian Vedic Astrologer. 400AD (Translation from original Sanskrit) EXT. STREET CORNER - NIGHT KLAUS DEMETRINOV (44), a greasy looking drug dealer with scruffy whiskers and long hair tied in a pony-tail, talks JENNY (18) a college student with a tired, messy complexion. He flashes a small sachet in her face. The front of the sachet has the all famous silhouette of a fairy holding a wand. It's pixie dust. KLAUS Twenty bucks sweetheart. JENNY I thought it was fifteen? KLAUS And now it's twenty. Jenny glares at him. KLAUS (CONT'D) What's the matter cupcake, you short on funds? I can think of other ways you can pay. Jenny stares at the sachet. Her breathing becomes heavier. Her eyes glaze over as she begins shivering. She angrily thrusts a twenty into his hand and snatches the sachet off him. JENNY I hope you fucking choke on it! Jenny storms off. Klaus chuckles to himself. KLAUS (shouting after her) Have a nice day! His cellphone RINGS. He answers it. KLAUS (CONT'D) Yeah... Dean? What about him?... Yeah I gave him your number... known him about three years. Yeah, ex-customer turned dealer... course he's good. He knows all the high school kids. The guy's got the gift of the gab... look if he puts in for an order, just give it to him OK... alright. Later. He hangs up and walks away. EXT. DARK ALLEY - CONTINUOUS Klaus face lights up as he sticks a cigarette between his lips and sparks up a lighter. An unexpected, loud CLANK echoes from the dark end of the alley. Klaus looks up but sees nothing. Another loud CLANK echoes from the darkness. Then another, and another, and another. KLAUS Who's there? He pulls out a knife. KLAUS (CONT'D) Show yourself pussy. Large red demonic eyes suddenly appear from the darkness. A terrifying series of loud ROARS and GROWLS echo through the alley. Klaus is frozen with terror. A demonic ROAR. A loud BOOM followed by a flash of bright light. Within a second, Klaus is reduced to a huge spray of blood. FADE TO BLACK. PROPHECY "And I looked and beheld a dark demon upon which sat the angel. It's eyes burned red like embers as it ate of fire and shook the earth with a thunderous roar" - Unknown Indian Vedic Astrologer. 400AD (Translation from original Sanskrit) FADE OUT. All content (c) Copyright Arif Majothi, 2007,2012. All Rights Reserved.